Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Social Stratification Racial Stratification - 1878 Words

Cierra Stewart Tartan ID #000824068 Week 16 May 6, 2016 Sociology Final Project Stratification 1.1: Racial Stratification Social stratification, as described by our textbook, is the structuring of inequalities between groups in society, in terms of their access to material or symbolic rewards. Essentially, social stratification ranks people in a society in a vertical arrangement, also known as a hierarchy, which defines them as superior or inferior. In terms of racial stratification, this means that some populations that share certain physically inherited characteristics (known as races) are classified as inferior, while members of other races are considered superior. In the West, this means that all non-white people are considered inferior, while white people are the superior race. For centuries, scientific discourses in the West sought to show that humanity was divided into a number of biologically distinct â€Å"races† and, simultaneously, that some racial groups were superior to others. Scientists and physicians presented certain people – either groups or individuals – as icons of embodied racial difference in order to justify White political power and Western colonialism. (â€Å"Social Stratification and the Body: Gender, Race, and Class†). Racial stratification, whether explicitly or implicitly, attributes merits and allocates values to members of racially categorized groups considered superior. On the opposite end of this privilege exists oppression for groups consideredShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Social Stratification On Minorities1195 Words   |  5 Pages†¨During the course of this class I have learned about social problems within the society in which we live and around the world. 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